I put this approach to good use when I decided to run in New York City on Sunday.
Running over bridges is great fun and NYC has dozens of them, but my targets were four East River bridges that I have traversed by car, but never before on foot. So I started in the Financial District and within less than a mile, I was at the Brooklyn Bridge.
Crossing this iconic bridge was a little slow-going with the walkway partially snow-covered and fully occupied by tourists, but it was still a thrill to cross its mile-long span (from base to base) on foot, with the Statue of Liberty to my right and the bridges I would be crossing soon enough on my left.
I was not in Brooklyn for long before approaching the nearby Manhattan Bridge. This bridge was much less populated than the Brooklyn Bridge and it was smooth sailing back into Manhattan.
Because of the angles of the bridges, it once again took barely any time to get to the Williamsburg Bridge, the base of which is right near the Manhattan, but extends much farther north into Brooklyn. This worked well because I wanted to head north into Queens. In doing so, I had to cross another bridge - the Pulaski Bridge over Newtown Creek.
I must commend the City of New York for providing excellent signage leading from the Williamsburg to the Pulaski. I only knew to head north and was unfamiliar with any of the roads. But all I had to do was follow the bike path signs to stay on course. Unfortunately, some of the side streets were not plowed and almost all of the sidewalks were thick sheets of ice. This slowed my pace down considerably (mid-8s), but I was not worried about that. If my 22-miler from two weeks ago taught me anything, it was to embrace those slow miles and use the stored energy later on.
Once in Queens, it was a straight shot up 11th Street to the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge back into Manhattan. This bridge was also mostly free of foot traffic and was nicely cleared of ice, so I pushed the pace up a bit.
Then it was a tricky dance of making my way to the West Side (following the green lights to go south and west while dodging folks walking on the sidewalks) where I picked up the Hudson River Greenway for a straight shot downtown, back to my starting point. Using that stored up energy, my last few miles got progressively faster, culminating in a final sub-7 mile. Awesome run!
Total mileage - 20
Total time - 2:36:14
Average pace - 7:48
Below is an approximation of the route that I ran. I do not recall which exact local roads I took in Brooklyn or crosstown through Manhattan, but you get the idea.
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