Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Good times, bad times

Six days a week, for the past two weeks, I have run three miles each day.  There are good days (21:45, feeling awesome) and bad days (23:50, lots of back pain), but I remain determined to consistently do the work.  

Physical therapy is going well.  I bought a new mattress and new running shoes.  I spend hours stretching even though I only spend minutes running.

When there is pain now, it is localized to one specific area and usually not the shooting pain I experienced a few months ago.

Will I recover fully?  I am not sure, but my doubt is diminishing and my confidence is increasing as the good days are starting to outnumber the bad days.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"It's getting better all the time..."*

(" can't get no worse.")*

Four weeks of physical therapy, six weeks of nonstop stretching.

During that time, I had been sneaking in some walk/run sessions (10-minute walk, 15-minute run, five-minute walk).  Each day, ever so slightly, I found myself going farther in that half-hour.  The first day I tried it, in January, I could not even get to two miles.  Last week, five days in a row, I hit three miles each time, with the run at two-plus miles.  I even did a few sub-7:00 miles.  

Sometimes there was pain afterward, but only a dull ache.  Other times, not so much.

Today, I ran three miles for the first time in almost 15 weeks. 22:27.  7:29 pace.  No pain. 

Is it the physical therapy?  The time?  The extra rest?  All that stretching?

Probably yes.  To all.  And not skimping on any of it.  

Superman may not be back anytime soon.  But it has been way too long in the Fortress of Solitude.  Time to get out and try to fly.

*from the Beatles "Getting Better"