Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stampede Through Clifton 2006

A little more than 10 years ago, on November 19, 2006, I ran the Stampede Through Clifton, my fifth 5K.  The following was my race report, as posted on my previous blog...


I promised myself that it would be my last 5K of the season.

After the race, I told myself, you're going to take it easy; jog more, run less; leave the stopwatch at home; chug along leisurely during the winter.

But until then, I continued, you're going to train hard. At the Stampede Through Clifton 5K on Nov. 19, you will test your mettle; confirm how far you've come since your first 5K in April; how you've overcome injuries. It will be the triumphant culmination of the work you've put into your first year as a runner and the fun you've had doing it.

Four days a week for months, I ran practice 5K's, keeping a hearty pace while building toward a finishing sprint. Sometimes it was exhilarating, sometimes disappointing. Some days, I ached; some, I felt invincible. Occasionally, I even surprised myself, beating my personal bests on almost a weekly basis.

Maybe I overtrained. After Thursday's run, something didn't feel calf, ankle and that pesky Achilles were acting up. Friday, I aborted my weekly long run due to the pain. Saturday, I rested. All day. Contrary to what my mom (who has run every single day for the past quarter century) thinks, rest days are important and valuable.

Early Sunday morning, I truly felt ready. Ready to run my best, fastest and hardest. Ready to end the year with a bang.

It was everything I'd hoped for, and running with my colleagues made it more even more fun (pictured clockwise from top left: Me; Tim Norris; Ashley Kindergan; Harry; Ashley's boyfriend, Andrew; Carolina Bolado; and Jean Stevens). I'll spare you the details of the race; it'll suffice to say that I exceeded all my expectations, achieving a new personal record and even placing in my gender/age group.

My personal victory was so gratifying that I still can't wipe the smile off my face, despite the soreness in my legs and feet. Oh yes, I overdid it (look at the photo - that is genuine pain on my face), but it was worth it. I'm taking two rest days, and then I'll fulfill the rest of the promise I made, to take it easier in the coming months.

Of course, Jean (who also placed in her gender/age group), did mention something about a 5K in Franklin Lakes next month...and what was it my friend Elaine said about a New Year's Eve race in New York City?

"You're obsessed," says Mom, the pot to my kettle. So be it, but I love the feeling of accomplishment and I am having tons of fun! Can you blame me?

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