I seem to be stuck in 10K mode.
Even though I am following the Advanced marathon training program on HalHigdon.com, I have been uncontrollably approaching my runs as if I am still working on a 10K, blasting off with crazy speed in my weekday runs, leaving me with nothing left in the tank for the runs that really matter - the weekend long runs.
For instance, last week's schedule called for two short, easy runs - a three-miler and a four-miler. Instead of taking them easy - as a recovery from the previous day's hard runs and as "rest" in preparation for the next day's - I was plowing through them at near half-marathon pace for no other reason than that it felt good.
My mid-week eight miler was also supposed to be easygoing because the late-week eight-miler was to be at race pace. But I did both at faster than race pace.
I do not like hill training day, so my favorite way of tackling it is to face it head on with brute force. I did my five sprints, pushing up and down that hill with all my might, and then did an extra one, just to test my own mettle.
It is no wonder that when I did my 16-miler on the weekend, it was a misery. I was shuffling along at an 8:02 pace and could not get into a groove. It was awful.
I tried some restraint this week, and though I was able to hold back a little, it was not enough. I may pay for that when I do 17 this weekend.
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