Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A case of ice and snow

It has been cold here in New Jersey during the past week or so.  It has also snowed a few times.  To that, I say, "So what?"

Do not let the snow discourage you from getting out there and running.  Granted, icy conditions may be a problem and I certainly would not want to see my fellow runners falling and getting hurt.  But on snowy days like this past Saturday and yesterday, why not get on out there?  If you do, here are a couple of tips:

Dress warm.  For slower runners, that means bundling up - wear a few layers, a winter hat, heavy duty gloves and long socks.  Be prepared for those items to get wet from falling and kicked up snow as well as your inevitable sweat.  For faster folk, that means compression shirts and tights.  Even at 20 degrees, you will be surprised how quickly you warm up once you get going.

Your shoes will definitely get wet, so wear an older pair.  When you are through, crumple up pages from newspapers and stuff them into your shoes.  The paper will absorb the moisture, helping to dry out the shoes before you need to use them again.

Most of all, have fun! Remember how much you used to enjoy playing in the snow as a kid?  Now is not the time to worry about splits and pace.  Rather, get out there and channel that youthful energy to have a ball in the winter wonderland.  While you are at it, why not drop to the ground and make a snow angel or two?

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