Saturday, April 7, 2012

A boost of confidence

For two weeks, I slogged along with flagging confidence and unsteady training. This weekend, it finally turned around. Yesterday, I ran a four-miler that was supposed to be at race pace (7:01) and I killed it at a 6:43 pace. While that seems like an accomplishment, going too fast on a pace run can be just as detrimental as going too slow. It could lead, as it has twice for me, to doing the first half of a marathon too fast and losing steam at the end. Today, was my eight-mile "long" run (it's not that long, but I was to treat it as my usual long run - comfortable and steady). I decided to take another shot at race pace, to really get it right. Up and down the hills into and through Garret Mountain Reservation in Woodland Park, I gave some extra effort on the inclines and eased back on the declines, trying to keep it the pace consistent. The whole time, I was singing along with the likes of Phish and Prince on my iPod, in order to keep myself and my breathing in check (the idea being that if I am huffing and puffing while trying to sing, I am going too fast). I thought I nailed it exactly. It felt right. To my surprise, I finished at 54:31 - a 6:49 pace. Too fast again. But if anything, this means that my starting pace at the marathon next week can be slower than what my body may instinctively want to do. As long as I take control of that, I can end up with a negative split and, possibly, a PR. One week to go and feeling much better.

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